No significant modification appears to have been made to urban renewal projects proposed within the framework of Law 5366 for the “Preservation by Renovation and Utilization by Revitalizing of Deteriorated Immovable Historical and Cultural Properties” and they have not been revised to constitute conservation plans appropriate for a World Heritage property.
The implementation in practice of Law 5366 therefore remains a significant potential threat to the integrity of the World Heritage core areas.
This is relevant not just for individual monuments but also for areas such as Sulukule, part of the property located near the Theodosian Walls where
the mission considered that there had been unacceptable loss of tangible and intangible attributes through the destruction of listed buildings and the dispersal of communities through a programme of gentrification by local authorities. This was referred to as a social project in the State Party report, but the mission considered that economic factors had been a dominant factor in the relocation of inhabitants.
Fatih Municipality has now submitted a development plan for the area within the framework of Law 5366. It was not possible for the mission to examine the detailed proposals, as they have been submitted for evaluation to the Protection Council, but an outline elevation shown to the mission appeared to involve the demolition of houses located on the Sea Walls and the construction of an imperial staircase in front of the walls framing the former palace of the Bulgarian exarch. This is a development rather than a conservation project and not the assistance to individual owners as recommended by previous missions.
Many of the benchmarks agreed by representatives of the Turkish authorities during the 2006 mission and endorsed by the Committee at its 30th session were not met within the specified timeframe or have yet to be completed, and the same is true of many benchmarks recommended by the 2008 mission and endorsed by the Committee at its 32nd session. Progress in meeting such benchmarks is urgently needed.
Of the new financial and legal provisions recently put in place, of particularly concern are projects designed and implemented within the framework of Law 5366 for the “Preservation by Renovation and Utilization by Revitalizing of Deteriorated Immovable Historical and Cultural Properties” could result in a serious loss in authenticity, and that the wholesale demolitions of houses of the Roma minority in Sulukule (in the Theodosian Land Walls core area) indicate how potentially destructive such projects can be.
Unesco Dünya Kültür Mirası Komitesi’nin önünde, İstanbul’daki uygulamaları yerden yere vuran bir rapor var.Raporda özellikle Sulukule, Four Seasons inşaatı, Haliç’teki metro inşaatı eleştiriliyor
İspanya’nın Sevilla kentinde halen devam eden UNESCO Dünya Kültür Mirası Komitesi’nin genel toplantısında görüşülen Dünya Kültür Mirası taslak raporunda; Sulukule, Osmanlı döneminden kalma ahşap binaların korunması, Sultanahmet’teki Four Seasons Oteli’ndeki ek inşaat, Haliç’teki metro köprüsü inşaatı ve İstanbul’un trafik mastır planı gibi uygulamaların İstanbul’un kültür mirasını tehdit ettiği değerlendirmesine yer verilerek, bu uygulamalardan dolayı Hükümet’e ağır eleştiriler yöneltildi.
2009 yılı Nisan ayında İstanbul’a gelerek incelemelerde bulunan UNESCO heyetinin gözlemlerine yer verilen raporun, 30 Haziran’a kadar sürecek olan toplantının sonunda kabul edilmesi durumunda İstanbul’un UNESCO’nun Dünya Kültür Mirası listesinden çıkarılması riski ortaya çıkacak. Sulukule Platformu sözcülerinden Viki Çiprut’a göre ise en iyimser senaryoyla heyet, gerekli düzenlemeleri yapması için Hükümet’e bir yıl daha ek süre verebilir.
‘UNESCO dikkate alınmadı’
Özellikle Sulukule ile ilgili olarak “tescilli binaların yıkılmasının yanı sıra yerel yöneticiler tarafından uygulanan soylulaştırma programı sonucu yerel toplulukların dağıtıldığı ve bölgenin somut ve somut olmayan değerlerinin kabul edilemez bir şekilde yok edildiği” tespitinde bulunan UNESCO heyeti, önceki yıllarda incelemelerde bulunan UNESCO heyetlerinin Hükümet’e sundukları inceleme raporlarının da dikkate alınmadığını belirtiyor.
Heyet raporunda özellikle, tarihi alanların yenilenmesi konusunda çıkarılan 5366 Sayılı Yasa’nın, koruma değil aksine yıkımlara ve tarihi değerlerin yok edilmesine yol açtığı açıkça belirtiliyor ve daha önceki raporlarda olduğu gibi bu yasanın değiştirilmesi tavsiye ediliyor.
UNESCO’nun taslak raporunda İstanbul’un kültürel mirasını tehdit eden uygulamaların her birine ayrı bir başlık açılarak yer verildi.
Istanbul heritage at risk, says report Istanbul, 25/06/2009 - A report prepared by inspectors from UNESCO that is being debated currently by the body's world cultural heritage committee states the
government's policies are putting Istanbul's rich heritage at risk and the city is in danger of being removed from the list of heritage sites. A report has been submitted to UNESCO's world cultural heritage committee that puts Istanbul in a very bad light when it comes to preserving its heritage and threatens the city's status as a world heritage site.
The report especially criticized the gentrification project in the ancient Roma neighborhood of Sulukule and the constructions of the Four Seasons Hotel and the metro near the Golden Horn. The Turkish government was heavily criticized at the ongoing general meeting of the world cultural heritage committee of UNESCO in Seville, Spain. During discussions for a draft for the World Cultural Heritage report it was mentioned that Sulukule, the lack of efforts to preserve wooden buildings from the Ottoman era, the construction of an additional area for the Four Seasons Hotel in Sultanahmet, the metro bridge construction near the Golden Horn and the traffic master plan for Istanbul are threatening the cultural heritage of the city. It is also stated that inspection reports presented to the government have been disregarded.
Read more on http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/english/domestic/11936728.asp