Residents of Sulukule get little help ISTANBUL - The residents of Sulukule who have either been pushed out or left behind by the Fatih Municipality in Istanbul have been given an audience with municipality officials to voice their concerns.
More than 20 Sulukule residents reiterated their concerns that they were being treated unfairly in the move by the Faith Municipality to redevelop the area into high premium real estate.
The Sulukule urban renewal project is aimed at clearing out one of the poorest neighborhoods in Istanbul from what is a significant historic area. Sulukule residents are mostly poor Roma people who live in rented apartments.
Most of the residents have been given government subsidized public housing in Taşoluk that costs a one time 750 Turkish lira membership fee and monthly payments of 320 liras not including gas, electricity and water bills.
Low incomes
Fifty percent of the residents have monthly incomes less than 500 liras, according to Neşe Ozan, a spokesperson for an aid organization called the Sulukule Platform. "In order to live in these homes you need an income level of at least 1,000 liras, which these people do not have," said Ozan. Because most residents cannot make payments on the Taşoluk homes they are defaulting and repossessions loom large.
And those are the lucky ones. About 100 families remain in the bureaucratic limbo of not having been granted the right to move out to Taşoluk, while the uncertainty of when their homes in Sulukule will be demolished remains. These families are demanding that their status for public housing be clarified.
Mustafa Ustaoğlu, the head of the Study Projects department of the Fatih Municipality, said he listened to the concerns of the Sulukule residents and will pass on the report to the head of the Fatih Municipality. Ustaoğlu also promised the 100 or so families who are waiting to find out if they qualify for government assistance will be notified within the week's end.
Belediye'ye YürüyüşSulukule mağdurları bir kez daha Fatih Belediyesi'nde... Halen süren yıkımlarla yaşanması imkansız hale gelen mahallede, hiçbir hak sahibi yapılmadıkları için yıkıntılar arasında yaşamak zorunda bırakılan kiracılarla, Taşoluk'a gönderilen ama orada tutunamayan eski kiracılar taleplerini yeniden duyurmak üzere belediye'ye yürüyorlar...
Halen mahallede yaşayan ve gidecek hiçbir yerleri olmayan aileler, aylardır belediyeye verdikleri dilekçelere hala hiçbir yanıt alamadılar... Gazze'den beter bir bombardıman alanını andıran mahallede yaşayan bu aileler, artı hiçbir bir çözüm gösterilmeden ve hiçbir haber verilmeden, her gün evlerinin başlarına yıkılacağı anı bekliyorlar...
"Sosyal bir proje" örneği olarak Taşoluk'a gönderilen mağdurlar ise, ne altına sokuldukları borç ödemelerini yapabiliyorlar, ne de evlerinin zorunlu faturalarını (doğal gaz gibi) ödeyebiliyorlar ve icra tehdidiyle karşı karşıyalar...
Durumlarını bir kez daha duyurmak için belediye giden Sulukuleliler, saat 11.00 de Belediye binasi önünde toplanacaklar...